Open General
by Luis Guzman


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This is a completely optional feature allowing to assign any unit up to two attachments. All attachments settings are defined by .CFG files (see ConfigFiles  for details on how to configure)
Attachment cost can be optionally include in ArmyCost, by defining the proper Var en .CFG file

Each attachments implies a fixed hard-code behaviour ruled by two customizable parameters, one of them being a penalty . When parameter is a number it is customizable. Second parameter is always a number so designer can set as zero to disable any penalty. Negative numbers are converted, so no parameter can be reversed from bonus to penalty or reverse.

Cost of parameters is made by a fixed number plus a percentage of the unit cost receiving the attachment.

There are the hard-coded behaviors of attachments:

AttachmentBonusDefault Penalty
Recon Increase Spot according first param Reduce Movement according second param
Air Defense Increase AA/AD according first param Reduce Inititiative according second param
Bridging Gives Bridge special to unit Reduce Movement according second param
Bridging Gives Bridge special to unit Reduce Movement according second param
AntiTank Increase HA according first param Reduce Movement according second param
Support Increase MaxAmmo according first param Reduce Movement according second param
Forward Observer Increase SA and HA to adjacent indirect targets, according first param Reduce Inititiative according second param
Special Munition Increase dice used to fire according first param Reduce Movement according second param
FastEntrench Increase entrench to TerrainBaseEntrench when entering an hex, according first param Reduce Inititiative according second param

These are the relevant lines in .CFG files to customize

Var Denomination Disable Bonus Penalty MinCost FactCost Penalty-type Bonus Def.Penalty
attach_1 Recon 0 2 - 1 30 25 1 Spot Mov(1)
attach_2 Air Defense 0 2 - 1 30 25 2 AA/AD Ini(2)
attach_3 Bridge 0 2 - 1 30 25 1 HA Mov(1)
attach_4 AntiTank 0 2 - 1 30 25 1 HA Mov(1)
attach_5 Support 0 2 - 1 30 25 1 MaxAmmo Mov(1)
attach_6 Forward Observer 0 2 - 1 30 25 2 SA/HA to adjacent targets Ini(2)
attach_7 Special Munition 0 2 - 1 30 25 1 Bonus firing Mov(1)
attach_8 FastEntrench 0 2 - 1 30 25 2 Add terrain-entrench Ini(2)
Note: Last optional parameter (penalty-type) can be: 1=Movement penalty, 2=Initiative, penalty, 3=ammo penalty, 4=fuel penalty